Creating a Shortcut
To practice creating a
Shortcut in the Windows XP desktop.
Step by step
1 Place the pointer on the background of the Windows XP
2 Right click on the background. 3 Select the option Shortcut from the menu displayed when you click on New. 4 Click Browse to search for the file Internet Explorer.exe 5 Select the unit where the operating system is installed, in our case the unit c. 6 Open folders until you find the file Iexplorer.exe; our file is located in c:/Programs Files/Internet Explorer/ 7 Click Ok. 8 Click Next. 9 Change the name to My Explorer. 10 Click Finish. We have just created a Shortcut to Internet Explorer. |
Changing the time and date.
To practice changing
the clock.
Step by step
1 Double-click on the clock (on the right of the task bar).
2 Select the month, thus displaying the list of the
3 Select the year by placing the mouse on the year
box and scrolling accordingly.
4 With the left mouse button click on the day you want.
5 Place the mouse on the hour digits and change them
6 Do the same with the minutes and the seconds
7 Click OK
Adding or removing a task bar.
To practice how to
customize Windows by adding or deleting task bars.
Step by step
1 Place the mouse on the Windows task bar, but not on the
2 Click on the task bar
with the right mouse button.
3 Select the option Tool
bar. A list of tool bars will appear.
4 Select the tool bar called Desktop.
5 Next to the task bar the new task bar will appear.
6 With this bar we can access the same things we access
from the desktop.
We have added a task bar.
7 To remove a task bar the process is similar.
Creating and Deleting Folders
To practice how to organize
the information in folders.
Step by step
1 Click on the Start button.
2 Display the All programs menu
and click on Accessories.
3 Select Windows Explorer.
4 Place the pointer on My documents.
5 Select New from
the menu File.
7 Select Folder.
8 Once the folder option has been selected you will see
that on the right window a new folder will appear that has the name New
Folder and that it is selected. Rename it My folder.
9 Once the name has been changed, select the folder by
clicking on it, and within it create another folder and name it Exercise
pp. To create this folder you need to follow steps 5 through 8
that have been discussed above.
10 Then select the folder again and delete it by clicking
11 When it asks you if you want to send the folder to the Recycle
Bin click Yes.
Copying and Moving folders
To practice how to copy
and move the information stored in the hard disk.
Step by step
1 Click on Start.
2 Display the All programs menu
and select the Accessories option.
3 Select the Windows
4 Double-click on the folder My documents.
5 Select the folder My Music from the window to the right.
6 Click on the copy button
7 A new window will be displayed
8 Select unit C and click on New Folder.
9 Name it Temporary
10 Then double-click on it to select it.
11 Click OK
Once copied, move it to another
folder on the C drive, which you can name Moving exercise.
12 Double-click on the temporary folder and select the
folder My Music that appears on the window to the right.
13 Click on
14 Open the folder Moving exercise from
the C drive and click on any part of the window so that the changes are
executed, then click on it.
15 Click OK
This can also be done to
move or copy Files.
Organizing Folders
To practice organizing
folders to find them quicker.
Step by step
1 Click on Start.
2 Display the All programs menu
and select Accesories
3 Select the Windows
4 Select the folder My documents.
5 Open the menu View
and select Arrange Icons By.
6 Select the option organize by Size.
7 Observe the result.
Searching for
To practice searching
for hardware in our network. If your computer is not in a network this
exercise will not be very useful.
Step by step
Searching for Hardware on a network.
1 Click Start.
2 Open the Search
menu and select Computers or people.
3 Write in the name of the computer that you know exists in
the network.
4 Click on Search to
begin the search.
6 On the window to the right the hardware that you are
looking for will appear, as long as it exists within the network.
If the hardware you are searching
for does not appear on the search but you are sure it is in the network it
could be that you wrote the name wrong or that your network is wrong.
Restoring Files or Folders
To practice restoring
a file or folder that has been deleted.
Step by step
1 Double-click on the Recycle
2 From the window that appears select any element you wish
to restore. If there is none, create a document and then delete it an go back
to the Recycle Bin.
3 Write down the complete route that appears next to
the selected element.
4 Select the option Restore
this file from the panel to the left.
5 Search the element that you restored from the route that
you wrote down.
Deleting Files or Folders from the Recycle Bin
To practice deleting
an element from the Recycle Bin .
Step by step
1 Double-click on the Recycle
Bin .
2 From the window that appears to the right select the
element that you wish to delete. In the event there is no element, create a
document and then delete it so that it appears on the Recycle Bin.
3 Click on
4 When it asks if you are sure you want to delete the
element tell it No and make sure it has not deleted it.
5 Try to delete it again but this time click Yes and make sure it is gone.
Emptying the Recycle Bin
To practice emptying
the Recycle Bin .
Step by step
1 Double-click on the Recycle
Bin .
2 If the bin is empty create a document, delete it, and then
return to the Recycle Bin .
3 From the panel to the left select Empty the Recycle Bin .
4 When it asks if you are sure you want to empty the
Recycle Bin click Yes.
The Wallpaper
customize the wallpaper.
Step by step
1 Click with the right mouse button on the Desktop.
2 From the shortcut menu that opens, click on Properties.
3 On the Desktop tab
select the image that you have now.
4 Select the image Autumn.
5 In Position
click Stretch. See the result on the screen in the window.
6 In Position click
tile. See the difference.
7 In Position click
8 Click OK
9 Repeat steps 1 and 2 and return to the wallpaper you had.
The mouse buttons
To practice customizing
the functions of the mouse buttons to facilitate their use.
Step by step exercise.
1 Select the Control panel from
the Start menu.
2 Select Printers and Other
Hardware and then click on Mouse.
3 On the Buttons tab you will find a section called
Double-click speed. Double-click on the folder to the right to test the speed
that you currently have, start slowly then speed up until the folder opens.
4 Drag the arrow to the right to increase the speed.
5 Double-click on the folder to the right to check the
changes, you will have to double-click faster for it to open.
6 Drag the arrow to the left to reduce the speed.
7 Double-click on the folder to the right to verify the
8 When you have found the double-click speed you like,
Click OK.
The mouse pointer
To practice customizing
the mouse pointer.
Step by step
1 Select Control panel from
the Start menu.
2 Select Printers and Other
Hardware and then click on Mouse.
3 On the Pointers tab you will find a list to select the
different options. Write down the option that you have right now and select
the option called 3D.
4 On Customize place
the pointer on normal and click on test and
select the pointer named Handwriting. You will see that the
pointer takes on new forms.
5 Return to the option that you had before.
6 Click OK.
Mouse pointer options
To practice customizing
the appearance of the mouse.
Step by step
1 Select Control panel from
the Start option.
2 Select Printers and Other
Hardware and then click on Mouse.
3 On the Pointer options tab
you will find a section called Motion.
Drag the arrow to the left to decrease the speed of the mouse. Move the mouse
to view the effect.
4 On the section Visibility select the option Display
pointer trails. Move the mouse to view the effect.
5 Leave the options that you prefer.
6 Click OK.
Adding or deleting programs for Windows
To practice installing
or removing programs for Windows XP.
Step by step
To do this exercise have the
Windows XP CD-ROM ready, since you may be asked for it.
1 Select the Control panel from
the Start menu.
2 Select Add or remove
programs and then double-click on Add
and remove Windows components.
3 Select Accessories and
utilities and then click on Details;
now select Games and click on Details
4 Check Solitaire
if it is not checked to be installed, or uncheck it to uninstall it.
5 Click Next so that the changes become active.
6 Click Finish so that the installation or uninstallation
7 When it has finished redo the operation to return it to
how it was before.
Installing hardware for Windows XP
To practice installing
hardware for Windows XP.
Step by step
In this exercise we will see how
to install a mouse with a USB cable.
1 Without turning the computer off, connect the mouse´s USB
cable with the appropriate port behind the CPU of your computer.
2 Observe how Windows detects the mouse and proceeds with
its intallation; if it has the corresponding driver it will install it
automatically, if it does not it will ask for the CD from the manufacturer.
3 Once Windows has finished the installation we can check
that everything is ok. From the Start menu
go to the Control panel.
4 Double-click on Performance
and maintenance.
5 Click on See basic
information about your computer.
6 On the System properties window click on Hardware
7 Click on Device manager.
6 Click on Mice and other
pointing devices.
7 Make sure that the model of the mouse that you just
installed is there and that it does not have a yellow question mark; this
means everything is fine.
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